Međunarodni dan zaštite životinja obilježava se svake godine 4. listopada s naglaskom na jedinstven odnos ljudi i životinja i važnost životinja u našem životu. Prvi je put taj dan obilježen 1931. tijekom konvencije ekologa u Firenci kako bi se upozorilo na ugrožene životinje, a prerastao je u događaj posvećen svim životinjama. Udruge za zaštitu životinja diljem svijeta obilježavaju taj dan kako bi upozorile ljude na probleme životinja te ih potaknule na razmišljanje o svojem odnosu prema njima.
Celebrate World Animal Day - 4 October
Building the celebration of World Animal Day mobilizes people for action now for a better future for animals.Throughout history, social movements (mass actions) like World Animal Day, have always been a major vehicle for ordinary people’s participation in politics, and key in fighting for social justice and reform. The lives of animals are profoundly affected by the actions of individuals, businesses, and nations. It’s therefore essential that, as sentient beings, their rightful status as recipients of social justice is established and translated into effective animal protection. Through increased awareness and education, we can help develop a compassionate culture which feeds into legal reform and social progress to make this world a fairer place for all living creatures. A world where animals are recognized as sentient beings and full regard is always paid to their welfare.
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